World Bank

The World Bank Group

The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. In Fiscal Year 2001, the institution provided more than US$17 billion in loans to its client countries. It works in more than 100 developing economies with the primary focus of helping the poorest people and the poorest countries.


International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Under the World Bank Group, the IBRD provides loans and development assistance to middle-income countries and creditworthy poorer countries. Voting power is linked to members' capital subscriptions, which in turn are based on each country's relative economic strength. The IBRD is not a profit-maximising organisation but has earned a net income every year since 1948.

The IBRD has assisted the Royal Thai Government with public sector reform and financial sector restructuring during 2000. In addition, the bank also published social, economic and environmental monitors to stimulate policy dialogue amongst NGOs and the government and produced four corruption surveys, which prompted seminars pushing for solutions to this problem. The bank also assisted policy makers in education reform.


International Finance Corporation

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) promotes sustainable private sector investment in developing countries as a way to reduce poverty and improve people's lives. IFC is a member of the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington, DC. It shares the primary objective of all World Bank Group institutions: to improve the quality of the lives of people in its developing member countries.

Established in 1956, IFC is the largest multilateral source of loan and equity financing for private sector projects in the developing world. It promotes sustainable private sector development primarily by:

  • Financing private sector projects located in the developing world.
  • Helping private companies in the developing world mobilise financing in international financial markets.
  • Providing advice and technical assistance to businesses and governments.




Publication of three editions of Thailand Social Monitors, two Economic Monitors and one Environment Monitor, to stimulate policy dialogue in Thailand.

The Monitors have been the subject of NGO forums, editorials and as a basis of government action.

Discussions with government on importance of IT in the new economy.

Generated ideas for a medium term IT strategy.

Four corruption surveys looking at perceptions of corruption in the private sector, the government and in households.

Prompted a series of seminars and articles pushing for solutions to corruption.

$400 million loan to support public sector reform.


Global development learning network established an office in Thailand.

Links up a network of distance learning facilities around the world.

Assistance to Financial Institutions Development Fund on debt restructuring of state banks and assisting with a legal reform project to increase transparency.

Technical assistance, staff training and advice on policy preparation were given necessary actors in these areas.

Evaluation of the secondary education and skills development systems.

Assisted policy makers to make decisions about education reform.















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